My remembrance of my sister

Created by Pamela 12 years ago
I will missed my sister Renee dearly. If I needed anything, I could always count on her. I was her baby sister, baby because she spoiled me rotten. When I think back to my childhood days, I could remember loving to go over Nay's house. She kept us participating in all types of events, we did so many things, such as, ice skating, roller skating, bowling, amusement parks, road trips, drive-in movies, Fun town, Old Chicago, Venture Land, the beach, etc, etc, etc.Every year we would go somewhere as a family,I mean my whole family, aunts & uncles. Oh how we spent many days walking to McDonalds, Burger King or stopping by White Castle before we went to the double drive-in. Most people thought Nay was pretty mean, maybe that was because she was mean. She didn't let you get away with saying anything out of the way to her, but once you got to know her she was HARMLESS, sweet & loving. Nay was a fighter, please don't do nothing to her or her family, if you were a smart person. I know why Nay and Linda was best friends, hint, hint. I feel like I'm in a dream, waiting to wake up, trying to wake up, but yet it's real. I dare not question God, because He know what's best. My trust is in Him and I will continue to praise Him throughout my tears and not understanding, "what happened". I know Him to be a healer and He will help heal us through this process we call grieving. The Word of God tells us that God was acquainted with grief. As we remember how Nay have touched All of our lives and how she lived, loved and laughed. My prayer for everyone reading and posting a tribute on this site is to remember we all must leave this earth one day, "Will you be ready to meet your maker?". We don't know the hour, time or date when our Lord shall call us home. I pray that all is well with your soul. Please accept God today, as your personal savior, invite Him into your heart, so when you hear those words as my dear sister Renee....."Your Job on this earthly place is done, now come and rest", you could spend eternity in your Heavenly home with the Father. The Word of God tells us how easy it is......Just confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God rised Jesus from the dead, so that you and I could have a relationship with the father, you shall be save. It's that easy, then the process begins. It not gonna be a bed of roses, but there are so many blesses and a lot of FAVOR. Whatever the cost, it's worth spending eternity in HELL to burn forever. I Love You Pam
